Customer Service

A major healthcare provider in the Metro area contracted with Executive & Professional Development to customize a customer service excellence initiative for multiple sites.

Needs Assessment

EPD first performed on-site needs assessments, assessed recently compiled Employee and Customer Satisfaction survey results and developed measurable goals and targeted training objectives. EPD then designed a complete organizational development solution.

Value Creation

The Excellence in Customer Service® initiative was customized to address this organization's recognized strengths and area of improvement. The initiative included:

  1. Strategic planning sessions with leadership
  2. Joint development of a customer service standards document
  3. A multi-module customer service training using custom tools, learning materials and assessments that was delivered using a blended learning approach
  4. One-on-one management coaching, focusing on directing efforts toward the organization's strategic goals and addressing emerging issues
  5. Operations audit to ensure seamless operations between clinics and to keep an open channel of communication between the managers and the director
  6. Operational Quick Wins identified to improve processes and raise employee and customer satisfaction
  7. Personal Development Plans created by the participants to support a dynamic learning environment and enhance accountability
  8. Increased alignment of management's efforts to the organization's strategic goals with increased communication and peer support for site initiatives
  9. A complete employee orientation process and materials


  1. Increases in employee satisfaction
  2. Documented employee behavior change
  3. Decreases in patient wait time
  4. Increased engagement of management and employees to achieve organizational excellence
  5. Improved internal communication between middle and upper level management
  6. Documented schedule for one-on-one coaching with management to reinforce and/or redirect change efforts